Developed by MIT graduates, MathScore is proven to raise math test scores through adaptive math practice. MathScore supports 1st grade through Algebra I.
This is not a site full of all the frills and fluff, but one that generates a worksheet style of problems for your child to work on, starting with learning the 10 key pad so they can learn to type in answers quickly, this is called Copycat preparation. When the child has gained proficiency at this they move onto the math worksheets.
Your child earns points as they go and are advanced to certain ranks like trainee, cadet. When they are promoted to the next level, fireworks display is shown to them as an indication that they have advanced.
MathScore is a supplemental program and as such, does not teach them math lessons. The program has a help button with a little lesson to remind them if they need it.
Some of the subjects covered are:
Fast Addition
Fast Subtraction
Mixed Addition and Subtraction
Basic Word Problems
Telling Time
Odd or Even Fast Multiplication
Fast Division
Rounding Numbers
Long Subtraction
Unit Cost
Triangle Area
Rectangular SolidsInteger Addition
Exponent Basics
Algebraic Word Problems
Greatest Common Factor
Least Common Multiple
I love the fact that this program adapts to each individual child! My kids are learning and their speed and accuracy have noticeably increased! We all agreed that this is really helping and we are continuing to use this program. I will post frequent updates to post our continued progress.
To see a preview of mathScore click here
Pricing Information:
First child $14.95/month
Second child $5.00/month
Each additional child $3.95/month
*You are allowed to freeze your account such as when you may be taking time off for holidays or for vacation * (I think this is a pretty cool option!)
*MathScore also offers a 2 week free trial and you can sign up as many children for this free trial.
For additional reviews of MathScore please visit TOS Homeschool Crew
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