Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Artistic Prusuits

I have always wanted to teach art to my children, that being said we have not really ever had formal art lessons. We are very crafty and do include drawing in our notebooks, but not art solely ment for the purpose of art study. I was really excited that as part of the TOS crew I received 2 books from Artistic Pursuits for review.

"The ARTistic Pursuits approach to teaching art is a welcome departure from typical art instruction books.  This award winning homeschool art program meets the specific needs of homeschoolers at home. A variety of fun applications teach both the expressive and technical aspects of art while allowing children to make choices about what and how they will draw, paint, and sculpt.  Assignments work within the stages of artistic development of children and  guide them to mature artistic expression in the visual arts"

Artistic Pursuits is an independent curriculum with levels from preschool to high school. Artistic Pursuits combines the artistic techniques using a variety of mediums with the study of art history and appreciation.  The child is given the freedom to choose what they would like to draw, paint or sculpt, allowing your child to develop their own sense of artistic abilities.

I received the grade 4-6 book 1 The Elements of Art and Composition and the  Senior High book 1 The elements of Art and Composition.

  ARTistic Pursuits, Grades 4 - 6, Book One, The Elements of Art and Composition 2ND EDITION
This book gives students their first in-depth look at the elements of art in a simply written text with lots of illustrations in pencil, marker, and scratch art, the media they will be using. The elements of art and composition are explored through American art.
bulletWritten to the student 
bulletNo teacher preparation needed
bulletFour unique projects in each unit
bulletArt appreciation and art history
bulletTechniques and How to use Materials
bulletSpecial projects including scratch art and silhouette 
bulletSharp color images printed on bright white heavy-weight  paper

We are loving this book! At first my kids 8-14 were a bit intimidated by having to choose what they were to draw but by the 3rd lesson were off and running. I love to see them excited and willing to move into these lessons even the ones who said "art was not for them!"  Click HERE to see a sample lesson and a list of all the lessons in book 1.

ARTistic Pursuits, Senior High Book One, The Elements of Art and Composition 2ND EDITION

This book gives students in-depth experience with the elements of art and composition. Organized for clarity and understanding, the book will lay a solid foundation for first time high school art students and challenge experienced students as well with emphasis on personal expression and application of the creative process. Students explore the elements of art and composition through European art.
bulletWritten to the student 
bulletNo teacher preparation needed
bulletFour unique projects in each unit
bulletArt appreciation and art history
bulletTechniques and How to use Materials
bulletSharp color images printed on bright white heavy-weight  pape

My two oldest girls 16 and 17 are doing this one, they are not as happy as the other kids, they feel like its to much and that they missed something by  jumping in to this book with no formal art study. That said they want to use the same book as the rest of the children and then come back to it at a latter time.  If you would like to see a sample lesson and list of what is taught click HERE

Overall I am really excited about Artistic Pursuits and am hoping to start the younger kids out with the lower programs soon.

Artistic Pursuits sells for $42.95 per book . 

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